Katahdin rams, ewes, and lambs for sale For Sale in Royal Oak Michigan

  • City: Royal Oak
  • State: Michigan


I'm downsizing my flock of Katahdin sheep. They are 100% grass raised on my homestead. Excellent natural parasite resistance and overall easy keepers. These hair sheep make wonderful pets, weed eaters, and farm companions. There are a total of 6 sheep. There are 2 mature rams, born in Spring 2022, which are white in color. Tame and gentle. One is full Katahdin and one is an American Blackbelly/ Katahdin cross. They are $300 each. There are 2 mature ewes, born in Spring 2022, which are white (1) and light brown (1) in color. Shy but tame. They are American Blackbelly/ Katahdin crosses. They are $275 each. Lastly, I have 2 American Blackbelly/ Katahdin cross lambs born Spring 2023. Both are dark brown. Shy but tame. They are $200 each. Serious inquiries only. Sheep, Katahdin, ewes, rams, lambs, hair sheep cross

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