NEW Legal Terminology LAWYER ATTORNEY Flash Cards For Sale in Cove Arkansas

  • City: Cove
  • State: Arkansas


This set contains 1000 cards, developed specifically to speed and simplify learning and functional basic legal vocabulary it covers over 1,000 terms. Never been used. We presently only accept cash, checks, Zelle, the Cash App and Chase QuickPay. Pickup or priority shipping and handling will be $10.00 within the continental US.

More Ads related to "NEW Legal Terminology LAWYER ATTORNEY Flash Cards" in Cove, Arkansas

This set contains 1000 cards, developed specifically to speed and simplify learning and functional basic legal vocabulary it covers over 1,000 terms. Never been used. We presently only accept cash, checks, Zelle, the Cash App and Chase QuickPay. Pickup or priority shipping and handling will be $10.00 within the continental US.

Small loop law firm seeks self-motivated licensed attorney with 2-5 yrs experience in personal injury for a full-time position. Must be self-motivated and have a rudimentary understanding of civil procedure. Please forward resume and salary requirements.

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